Thursday, January 7, 2010

Android Phones - The Missing Piece

Google is doing a great job getting adoption of their mobile OS by carriers. Even AT&T whose network can barely handle data traffic from the iPhone is going to add Android Phones to their smartphone lineup. But as you may have already read or heard in other posts, the Android Eco-System is not optimum. Basically, in Jona Tech's opinion, the lack of an "iTunes Store" equivalent for media and applications is a real detriment for both consumers and developers with the latter being especially important. Without developers, you have no apps. No apps leads to consumer dissatisfaction. Consumer dissatisfaction leads to low sales of Android power devices.

How does Google get more developers or keep developers happy? Google needs to do a better job of exposing them. They need to provide a consumer friendly 1 stop shopping experience. They need to enable the ability of developers who write applications for a living, make money.

Currently, there is no iTunes equivalent for Google. Until this is made available, then Google Android smartphones will not be able to surpass the iPhone.

Let us know what you think?


  1. "Currently, there is no iTunes equivalent for Google."

    Have you even used an Android device? There is Android Market where developers sell their apps and they are getting 70% of the price (Google takes the rest) just like for Iphone developers (except Apple takes the 30%).


  2. Yes, I have used Google devices. I've spent plenty of time on the Android Market. I've spent a lot of time on iTunes because of iTouch. IMO there are not the same - harder to navigate and find applications, etc. Don't mistake my blog to be anti-Google but to the contrary. This last blog was my opinion in what would bring Android to the next level. I want nothing more than to see Google compete in Apple's space in the long run.

    Thanks for the comment.

  3. DoubleTwist is the iTunes equivalent although it doesn't sync apps and the UI is almost identifcal. The only thing missing is synchronization of apps since DoubleTwist is for multiple OSs (Android, BlackBerry, PSP, WinMo, etc). But at least for Android, the apps stay with your Google account.
