Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do people understand what Google's Android is?

Most of my none techy friends DON'T really understand the relation between Google Android to cell phones to iPhone, etc. I started a little blog on my main website to start educating people on this and other techy stuff. Let me know if I missed anything basic or if you have suggestions.


Jona Tech

Here it is again:

Jona Tech needs to blog about Google's Android because it seems most none techy people don't have any idea what it is and how it relates to consumer electronics and mobile phones.

First and foremost, Google's Android is an operating system or OS for short. It's like Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 are OS's for your PC. Like Microsoft, Google is providing Android to all or most mobile phone manufacturers to use and it's available on most carriers - Verizon, TMobile, Sprint. Unlike Microsoft Windows, Android is open for modifications by all that use it and can be customized. In short Android is the Windows equivalent for cell phones.

Android is available to multiple cell phone makers like LG, Motorola, HTC, Samsung, and many others. The widely popular iPhone OS is available ONLY to Apple iPhones. Who will win the battle for the cell phone space? By the looks of our Preferred Smartphone OS Poll - it's too close to tell right now.

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